Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Family and Thoughts

I am trying to get over Bronchitis. My stepson has filed for divorce from his wife, right now he gets the kids till September of this year and gets the house. But hopefully he will have full custody of them. It's Spring somewhere, but I don't know where. Not here. It is so cold and blustery. My grape hyacin's are coming out poor things are so small. Went through all my kits, that I have bought over the years, I sure have a lot to do. Two or more are gifts, which will get done sometimes in the future, and then they won't be in the pile anymore. I got a box from Michael's last year which is made up of bamboo, it had a liner that you could take out and wash. I washed it, but like it better without. Maybe its because I can get more stuff in the box. Will have to take a picture of the box. I am starting to cough again, have to take more of the Robatussin DM - God that stuff is awful.

I just counted the kits I have, 32, 4 are WIP's, the others haven't been started yet. Some are small kits, so hopefully they will go fast. 2 are Mill Hill Bead Ornaments. I never realized how many I had. These are gifts - 8 so far are gifts. Some are Christmas, at least 4 or 5 are, so that helps too. Oh well, I will just keep adding to my stash of goodies.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Family - New

Next Month my husband and I will be married for 22 years. Wow, I can't believe its been that long. We usually have dinner at home and I cook, may be he will take me out to Cracker Barrel for dinner. My husband and I have some bad days together, but overall we get along. My husband has 3 children who now have children of their own. Together we don't have any. It is still hard to come to terms that I will never be able to have my own. Most people don't understand this, even if you explain it to them it doesn't sink in. My husband's oldes daughter has 3 children two boys and one girl. His second daughter has two girls and one boy. The third is his son who has two boys both with disabilities and a third on the way. Him and his wife have recently separated. He has the house and the boys for right now. He seems very happy, I hope it stays that way for him.

My sister and I share the same birth month and day. I was born on her sixth Birthday, which did not make her very happy. She brings it up every year, Mom wasn't their to celebrate with her, but she at least got to go to the Holiday Inn for dinner. I was stuck in an incubator. I was born blue and not breathing. The doctors and nurses brought me back to life. I don't know if that is why God has not chosen me to have children of my own. I just wish he would let me know, so it might just get a little easier to bear. Well that's all for now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Working on Amish Garden, Fairy Moon, Moonlit Cabin. Trying to get the Amish Garden done soon.

My First Blog

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have created my first blog.